An OpenGL “dictionary,” so to speak.
Term | Definition |
glBindBuffer |
Takes a target and a buffername . Binds the buffer known as buffername to the binding point target . |
If enabled, allows layer composition using glBlendFunc . |
glBlendFunc |
Specifies the operation for blending draw buffers. |
glBufferData |
Creates a new data store for a buffer object, and initializes it with the passed-in data. |
glClear |
Clears a buffer, e.g. the color or z-buffer, to a preset value. |
glClearColor |
Specifies the values to be used when the color buffers are cleared. |
glDeleteBuffers |
Takes a number n and an array buffers . Deletes the n buffers named by the elements of buffers . |
If enabled, allows depth comparisons and depth buffer updates. |
glDrawArrays |
Takes a mode (GL_POINTS , GL_QUADS , etc.), an idx0 , and a len . Draws primitives according to mode , using data in the range idx0:idx0+len from any pre-specified arrays. |
glEnable |
Enables a server-side capability given by a symbolic constant. |
glEnableClientState |
Enables some capability given by a symbolic constant. |
GLEW | OpenGL Extension Wrangler. Used to access modern OpenGL API functions at runtime. |
glFrustum |
Defines the shape of the viewing volume (a frustum). |
GLFW | Graphics Library Framework. Used for window/input management. |
glfwPollEvents |
Process [window/input] events in the event queue. |
glGenBuffers |
Takes a number n and an array buffers . Stores n buffer object names in buffers . |
GLM | OpenGL Mathematics. Library with functionality similiar to that of GLSL, containing e.g. vec2 and vec3 . |
glLoadIdentity |
Resets the viewing matrix back to its default state. |
glMatrixMode |
Assigns the current matrix stack to be (1) modelview, (2) projection, (3) texture, or (4) color. |
(as a matrix) Defines how objects are transformed in the world coordinate frame. |
glMultMatrixf |
Multiplies the current viewing matrix by a float. |
glOrtho |
Defines the shape of the viewing volume (a box). No perspective! |
glPolygonMode |
Controls the way polygons are interpreted during rasterization. Example settings: GL_LINE , GL_FILL . |
glPopMatrix |
Pops the top matrix off of the stack. |
(as a matrix) Defines camera properties. |
glPushMatrix |
Clones the matrix on top of the stack and then pushes it on (s.t. it becomes the new top). All transformations are w.r.t. the top matrix. |
GLU | OpenGL Utility Library. Provides higher-level functionality such as NURBS, tessellators, and quadric shapes. |
glVertex |
Used within a glBegin /glEnd pair to specify a vertex. |
VAO | Vertex Array Object. Stores state necessary to specify vertex data, i.e. format and references to buffer objects. |
VBO | Vertex Buffer Object. A buffer object used as a source for vertex array data. Generate a VBO with glGenBuffers , bind it to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER with glBindBuffer , and copy data to it with glBufferData . |