Crimson Channel

A Commentary on Things

Project maintained by Owen Jow Midnight theme by Matt Graham


An OpenGL “dictionary,” so to speak.

Term Definition
glBindBuffer Takes a target and a buffername. Binds the buffer known as buffername to the binding point target.
GL_BLEND If enabled, allows layer composition using glBlendFunc.
glBlendFunc Specifies the operation for blending draw buffers.
glBufferData Creates a new data store for a buffer object, and initializes it with the passed-in data.
glClear Clears a buffer, e.g. the color or z-buffer, to a preset value.
glClearColor Specifies the values to be used when the color buffers are cleared.
glDeleteBuffers Takes a number n and an array buffers. Deletes the n buffers named by the elements of buffers.
GL_DEPTH_TEST If enabled, allows depth comparisons and depth buffer updates.
glDrawArrays Takes a mode (GL_POINTS, GL_QUADS, etc.), an idx0, and a len. Draws primitives according to mode, using data in the range idx0:idx0+len from any pre-specified arrays.
glEnable Enables a server-side capability given by a symbolic constant.
glEnableClientState Enables some capability given by a symbolic constant.
GLEW OpenGL Extension Wrangler. Used to access modern OpenGL API functions at runtime.
glFrustum Defines the shape of the viewing volume (a frustum).
GLFW Graphics Library Framework. Used for window/input management.
glfwPollEvents Process [window/input] events in the event queue.
glGenBuffers Takes a number n and an array buffers. Stores n buffer object names in buffers.
GLM OpenGL Mathematics. Library with functionality similiar to that of GLSL, containing e.g. vec2 and vec3.
glLoadIdentity Resets the viewing matrix back to its default state.
glMatrixMode Assigns the current matrix stack to be (1) modelview, (2) projection, (3) texture, or (4) color.
GL_MODELVIEW (as a matrix) Defines how objects are transformed in the world coordinate frame.
glMultMatrixf Multiplies the current viewing matrix by a float.
glOrtho Defines the shape of the viewing volume (a box). No perspective!
glPolygonMode Controls the way polygons are interpreted during rasterization. Example settings: GL_LINE, GL_FILL.
glPopMatrix Pops the top matrix off of the stack.
GL_PROJECTION (as a matrix) Defines camera properties.
glPushMatrix Clones the matrix on top of the stack and then pushes it on (s.t. it becomes the new top). All transformations are w.r.t. the top matrix.
GLU OpenGL Utility Library. Provides higher-level functionality such as NURBS, tessellators, and quadric shapes.
glVertex Used within a glBegin/glEnd pair to specify a vertex.
VAO Vertex Array Object. Stores state necessary to specify vertex data, i.e. format and references to buffer objects.
VBO Vertex Buffer Object. A buffer object used as a source for vertex array data. Generate a VBO with glGenBuffers, bind it to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER with glBindBuffer, and copy data to it with glBufferData.
